Cyd Chevaghn Interview and Gallery

By Cat Iler

Dallas singer-songwriter Cyd Chevaghn sat down with Doll Partz to talk about being an independent artist and her latest single “Solitude”! 

In this interview, Cyd reflects on her personal growth as an artist since releasing her very first single in 2021, how she got into music and the story behind “Solitude”. 

Introduce yourself! Who are you and how would you describe the music you make?

Hi! My name is Cydnei but I go by Cyd. I'm a singer-songwriter from the Dallas area with a deep love for the classic RnB sounds of the 90s and 2000s. Because of that, I tend to use a lot of vocal harmonies and memorable melodies in my music. My songwriting is a reflection of my life as a 20-something navigating the ups and downs of everyday life. I write about the challenges we all face—whether it's chasing dreams, dealing with heartbreak, or just trying to find our purpose in life. I believe that while life can be tough, there's always a thread of hope. Through my music, I want to remind people that they're not alone in their struggles and that there's always a way to keep moving forward. 

How’d you get into music and songwriting? Was it always an aspiration of yours?

Music has always been a passion of mine. Growing up, I used to sing all the time with my uncle who is also a musician/creative. He would play guitar and teach me different songs and we would just sit there and sing. Sometimes we would perform for the rest of the family too. As a kid, I really liked telling stories. I was a big fan of fantasy/thriller books so I would always try and write my own stories. As I got older I just transitioned my writing into lyrics for songs of my own. I feel like my lyrics still combine my love for storytelling and music. I really enjoy lyrics that paint a picture for the listener to really grasp what the artist is trying to say and how they feel. 

You just released your new single “Solitude”, what was the creative process like for this single?

I wrote “Solitude” during a time where I was really trying to fit people into my life that had no business being there. I had a lot of moments where I didn’t want to be alone so I went looking for connections that didn’t serve me or make me feel good. I was just feeling really unbalanced and I really needed to take a step back and ask myself, “Is this what I really want? Is this really WHO I want?”. The overall tone I was feeling when writing this song was that sometimes you’ve gotta relax. You don’t need to do everything at once or be everywhere all the time. You can just sit and be by yourself and that is okay. I was really excited to record this one because it felt like it was something just for me, like I was singing to myself for comfort. I remember hearing it back for the first time and I couldn’t stop smiling. After the first round of recording, I didn’t even want to touch it because to me it was already perfect! The amount of times I listened to the song is embarrassing but it really does encompass my emotion of coming to realize that I am enough.

Last year you released your EP “Only If You’re Listening”, what was it like releasing an EP? 

Honestly, it still feels unreal to think that I have a project of songs out! Crazy to think it started off as a goal I had for myself on my vision board for 2022. This was my first project and at first, I had no idea what I wanted from it or where I was going with it. Most of the songs were already written before making the decision to release a project so when I finally had the concept, the songs kind of fell into place. I spent more time in the studio than I ever have and it allowed me to get more comfortable trying out new things vocally. The EP gave me the opportunity to showcase more of myself as an artist. I feel like each song has a different feel to it and gives listeners a peak into what all I can do. Some of the songs are more playful.  There’s one that’s more sexy/sultry which intimidated me at first but it's now one of my favorites. This also opened doors to collaborate with other creators. I worked with Mwinda Visuals (@mwindavisuals on IG) to create two beautiful music videos. He was a huge motivator for getting these done and he was amazing at helping me come up with the ideas. He was also very patient with my process. Shooting the videos just made everything feel real, like I was really an artist.

You released your very first single “You Can’t Have My Heart” in 2021, have you and your style changed since releasing that first single? If so, how?

“You Can’t Have My Heart” reminds me of my growth as a singer. In 2021, I was new to recording my own songs and being in a studio. I was still learning how to put a song together and was all around not very confident in my vocal ability. However, I still went into that studio and recorded the song and it turned out amazing. I definitely feel like my confidence has increased and you can hear it in my songs throughout my EP as well as “Solitude”. I feel like I am coming more into myself as an artist, as a songwriter, and as a creator. Releasing my EP, “Only If You’re Listening” really helped me develop what kind of sound I want to have. Even though they all sound sonically different, I feel like it still represents me and my progress as an artist.

What’s next? What can we expect from you in the future? 

I’m back in the studio in a few weeks to work on more music. I think right now I am focusing on building my portfolio and strengthening myself as an artist in Dallas. I’m always looking for open mics to perform at throughout the city and network. My goal is to book a show of my own by the end of the year! Outside of music, I’ve been dabbling in other creative outlets like acting. I’m currently working on a web series called “Fish” and I’m having the time of my life! Acting has been a new ‘hobby’ for me and I am definitely learning as I go, but everyone on set has been very positive and encouraging so it helps me get out of my head a little. 

Thank you so much Cyd for speaking to Doll Partz! Make sure to follow her on IG @cydchevaghn and stream “Solitude”!


Gallery: Mint Green, Smothered, & Curl play in Denton, TX


Gallery: Small Crush - Penelope Tour